
October 27, 2021
Virtual Mathematics Competitions

Last year, there were over 300,000 students who participated in AMC, and 5,000 schools that hosted the AMC competition. We’re proud to say Peninsula Academy is one of the official AMC Hosting Schools!
Peninsula Academy is not only hosting the AMC but also offering AMC preparation classes. Our veteran teacher Evan will use AOPS,
the most leading problem solving books to guide the students

October 27, 2021
Peninsula Academy to host Math Olympiads!
MOEMS (Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary & Middle Schools) is an organization, founded 1977 by Dr. George Lenchner, an internationally known math educator. Last year, 170,000 students in 35+ countries participated in MOEMS - we are honored and proud to be a part of this extraordinary event!

November 11, 2020
National Economics Challenge
The National Economics Challenge (NEC) is the country’s most prestigious economics competition for high school students. NEC tests micro and macroeconomic principles as well as knowledge of the world economy. State-level competitions are the first part of the NEC, where teams of 3-4 students compete to determine who will represent their state at the National Semi-Finals. The teams that win the National Semi-Finals will compete at the National Finals, culminating in the International Quiz Bowl Finals.

December 23, 2020
F=ma competition
F=ma is an annual physics competition organized by the American Association of Physics Teachers, the organization responsible for recruiting, selecting, and training teams each year to compete in the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO). F=ma serves as the entrance exam each year with approximately 6000 participants. About top 400 highest-scoring students (i.e., roughly 6-7%) will advance to the US National Physics Olympiad (USAPhO) exam, which is then used as the basis for selecting 20 members for the US Physics Team for IPhO. Since there is no physics competition at the AMC level, F=ma corresponds to AIME. In other words, it is highly competitive.

December 23, 2020
Linguistics Competitions
Held annually since 2003, the International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) is one of 13 international science Olympiads worldwide. With over 40 participating countries, the IOL is a widely recognized international event, where students from around the world gather and test their minds against the world’s toughest puzzles in language and linguistics. Each participating country sends 1-2 teams of four contestants each. The methods of choosing these contestants and composing the teams differ from country to country; in most cases a country’s contestants are chosen from the winners of their national Linguistics Olympiad. The North American Computational Linguistics Open Competition (NACOL) is the qualifying competition for the IOL in the North American region.

December 23, 2020
New York Times STEM Writing Contest
Are you fascinated by topics in science, technology, math, engineering, or health? Do you find yourself liking to enlighten or amuse others with what you know about these STEM topics? If so, the upcoming New York Times' STEM Writing Contest is for you. You can choose an issue or question in science, technology, engineering, math or health that interests you, then write a 500-word explanation that will engage and enlighten readers.

December 23, 2020
New York Times Student Review Contest
Do you like to strong critiques and reactions to books, painting, music, opera, architecture, movies, TV shows, restaurants, or videogames (you get the idea)? Or, do you want to improve your writing skills in general? If so, the New York Times' Sixth Annual Student Review Contest is for you. Choose anything that is a new experience and fits into a category of creative expression that The New York Times covers, from architecture to music, and write a review of 450 words or fewer.

December 28, 2020
New York Times Student Editorial Contest
Do you like to share opinions or reflections on the issues you care about? Or, do you want to improve your persuasive essay writing skills? If so, this New York Times' Student Editorial Contest is for you. Choose a topic you care about, then gather evidence from sources both within and outside The New York Times and write a concise editorial (450 words or fewer) to convince readers of your view.